"MESSAGES FROM THE SPHINX" Egypt Trip - bundle 7 Channeled Audios, Activations, Journal teachings by the Egyptian Masters for you!

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*Dearest beloved ones! You came with me in my pocket to each sacred Temple, and also in scrolls kept at each altar and then given in ceremony into a sacred fire atop the sand dunes near the Pyramids. We rode on camel to this spot and ceremonially burned 3 huge silk scarves full of blessings for you and all beings!!  

This is a bundle package with 7 audio transmissions, a channeled journal with transmissions and my personal experience and karmic clearing,  photographs, and sonic songs for you!



*M.F.T.S.- audio#1- "SOUND CODE FOR LIGHTENING your Heart and Field", with Mother Sehtmet and the Hathors. audio#1 channeled transmission:




​AUDIO #5-​"SHIPS OF LIGHT; ASSIST MOTHER NILE" A group journey for planetary assist to Mother NIle and the purification of the water.


​AUDIO #7 "3 FOLD FLAME w Diamond Flame of Harmony MEDITATION" 

*This is a channeled, journaling for you on some of my days.  Many messages from different Masters for you, and also reference to the audios. Even the personal karmic clearing for myself, is also collective karmic clearing for you and all beings!



Channeled by Anjahlia

Sitting in a white tiled, white walled, room with a massive crystal altar...as if I am in the higher dimensions.  As I wake up, my eyes are blinded by the white, and it takes a few moments to let the eyes adjust and things come into clarity.  I am in Cairo, in Haram, Giza, a neighborhood below the Sphinx and the Pyramids.  We have a full view of all the Pyramids and the Sphinx from the windows.  So, the Sphinx faces towards us and watches over us here.

Melania Trump is at the Pyramids today, so no one may go there.  Yet, we,... you and I may go there etherically...

*We call upon the Great Sphinx of Giza Plateau to share with us her fortune, her guidance, her insights and wisdom, now.   As we send all that we receive to each we hold dearly in our pocket, receiving all transmissions and activations, each thread of frequency.

From the Sphinx:

“We welcome you beloved one...many here have waited for centurys for the return of your Presence.  It is an alignment that is in conjunction with Libra that transcends a current transitional pulsation of movement of the constellation.  We are a council that acts as one voice, a conglomerate of voices that mere to bring through one true voice that is synthesized into one format, you see.  So we as the Sphinx is a collective, as  indeed, all wisdom is.  This is necessary for you to understand as you move forward in this sequence.  The stars are aligned to cooperate fully with all that you are to receive to gain the messages that are to be told along this journey.  

Begin now, we say, and find a deepening o your path along the way.  As you listen and write these transmissions you will find much is revealed and opening that will play a part in your near future.  The Great Divine Director shields and protects you as you may enter into dark arenas of retribution, disharmony, and corruption.  You will be held in chambers of harmonizing atmosphere to aid in the disentanglement process.  Many cords of disemspowerment are ready to snap and fall away.  As resolution and self awareness activate the median of temperament that awaits your examination.  Your Temple of Universal Awareness, your Ashram now opens before you.  

A Temple becomes apparent... white, clear and misty, shining.  White columned around us, a circular stepped, ceiling, of white with an open particle to a golden conciliatory dome.  Many steps around the circular temple, of white marble, and circular also.   It sits in clouds, yet feels a top of a mountain.  This is a Universal Realms Temple.    Here you are to enter and mediate each morning, dear one.  To aclimate  your new beginning, your decision to accelerate your position , commitment and portal communion.  From here, you will find the highest messages from our “Council of the Sphinx”.  Pegasus, your dear friend, joins you now, as he will bring you back and forth each day.

EACH MORNING:  Pegasus takes me and brings me back



We enter this Temple,… through the open circular portico and beloved Pegasus gently places me inside the circle of our Council of 8.  I am placed atop a tall selenite disk that brings me lowering me down into the circle and begins to activate a chamber of mist, pearlescent mist.  That brings all earthly difficulties into a harmonious resonance and calmness.  Bowing in gratefulness, I am.  Sitting now with wings on, seat  begins to glow, pulsate, vibrate, shaking off worldly residue.  Now, a chamber of circular lights moves up and down, and I lie down, and the circular colored  lights go to the top and bottom of my light body.  And I become very relaxed, and want to lose consciousness as I am laying down and releasing and surrendering more, and more.  They are working with rebuilding trust in my heart.  To trust what I hear them say, to be able to act upon trusting this council, once more.  That I have been held away from their council by dark agenda forces and now I am able to easily find my way home to my root, primary council to study.  Here there are a council of 8 enlightened ones, assisting me and guiding.   This integration process will eliminate any undermining forces, so I am no longer penetrable.

THOTH Tehouti showers me with his arms stretching to create an arch with a dusting of magical powder , again softening and taking me away from mortal life.  Strengthening my eternal connection to the golden grids of life.  To the lotus, the blue lotus of reharmonization of my eternal cord connection, communion to the NILE.  The Mother of us all.  To the longevity and eternal flowering, ever present, ever renewing.  It is in the arms of the great Mother Nile he now lays me.  In a swaddling cloth, as a baby in a basket, set free upon the rocking waters of the Mother Nile.  Set upon my path, held in the loving waters, rocked and lulled.  Found moored in the cattails, SOBEK the Crocodile King finds me, caresses my brow, whispers a sound in my ear, and sets me a float.  Upon his great back, he delivers me across the waters.  We arrive inside an underwater gateway, passageway.  Now, I have grown to crawl and we crawl up the corridor, then I begin to stand, and by the time we are at the stone doorway, I am standing and a young man, a young pharaoh.  Opening up the stone wall with a secret button on the right side of the wall.  SOBEK leaves me, for me to claim something that I have lost.  I now enter, as a large man.  A king, a tall one.  A masterful one.  An Ancient one.  Tall do I sit in a tall throne, made for me.  My Presence is kingly, knightly, and my sense of esteem is commanding.   I have a great staff in my right hand, and an ankh in my left hand.  Taking the ANKH I turn into a keyhole that is invisible but before me. A time shifter, time traveler am I.  I am in search, in search of my counterpart.  My Queen of Atlantis.   She is Lemurian and Atlantian  She has been known to many as ISIS and I as OSIRIS.  Together we each hold a key to a MIRACLE.  That when in combination, we co create a human likeness, a being of light, a miracle is born to us.  We are traveling to one and other again in time.  Seeking to find the other, the part unknown, the replicant of our Father/Mother reproduction.  The papyrus floats and gives us its paper.  The ancient stories of creation, begin a new this day”.

A CREATION STORY sent through the ethers to you, for you, and to rebirth any old stuck karma from Atlantis or Egypt you or your lineage may hold.

Took a deep nap, as magnetized and deeply receiving this empowerment ARCHTYPE.

LUXOR - day one

Luxor is like a deep drink of water after dusty, dirty Cairo.  Luxor has a lush green garden oasis for the soul.  Large palm trees, green foliage, bushes, grass and openness.

Along the great Nile are we, in an elegant hotel the Sofitel.  Marble floors, and majestic marble staircases and Italian Venini chandeliers.

Waking up this morning, my practice is to open my Sage Eye to the Great Sun.

I open the great circular shield that protects the Eye, to send love and receive love from the Sun, the Great Central Sun, the Senara Sun and beyond.  Asking for all to be transmuted that does not see the God in all things.

Yesterday, a long day of getting up at 4:30am to go to Cairo airport and wait until a 1:00 flight a deep and penetrating understanding was revealed to me.   I was sitting on a shuttle, after a failed attempt to find lunch, and a man had a large protrubance on his brow.  I looked into it, and was lead to see the Sage Eye, as God’s Eye.  And God’s Eye was this earth world, it was seeing it all.  And, I began to understand that my job as keeper of this EYE was to do my part and see all I encounter as the expression of God.  To find that ever eternal recycling of Creator/Source/Love.  I felt myself as this EYE OF GOD, as God’s EYE.  A profound and enlightening realization... on the shuttle tram, in the middle of hustle and bustle Cairo airport.  




We gather with you beloved ones, this day...as it is an awakening that is called forth.

Be prepared to awaken, we say,... even if it is the most miniscule level or advancement.  It is in increments that we must recalibrate. This journey begins as we learn to access a higher awareness of our sensibility.  How and why we manage in the way we do.  All short comings are considered nil.  No one is to take on any blame or discomfort in our program together.  That would be counter intuitive, and undermine the subtle structure that is the awakening process.  Become now aware that you are in a new status and your achievement is not the goal.

We offer you an audio 7:34 SOUND CODE FOR LIGHTENING your heart & field, and opening to the support that is all around you.  Light Language, toning, over toning and some narrative, with MOTHER SEKHTMET, HATHOR MOTHERS AND ANJAHLIA DIVINE PRESENCE, a trinity of mothers.

-Translation of Light Language :  “SUN GUARDS gather around, Great Mothers advance, how can you not know me...?  I have been here since the beginning of time.  I am a great mother of advancing the traditions of humanity.  It is a time of a great new beginning, why not take a chance and carry your selves along on a ride on my back.  I will support you, and carry you forward.  You will not be separated, you will not find yourself alone.  You are not alone, you have never been alone.  Always I have stood by you, by humanity, to carry the burdens and support you, my beloved ones.”



The largest Sun Disk Portal!

DAY EIGHT- Leaving Seti First Hotel for the bus to Aswan and Sailing the Nile

The Brotherhood of Light Blessing at the Abu Simbel Temples

Dahanbiyas boats.

Qala led a group blessing of the Brotherhood of Light in the Masculine Temple.

Before I came from the day before, I felt an apprehension.   As we walked slowly, connecting to the earth, guardians, Temple Keepers,  my being in reverence to these teachers, to the teachings of this Temple,... of the Temple of the Masculine.   Vaguely, I had begun to feel myself as a man, in Egypt.  A teacher of wisdom.  In this time, I made an error and trusted a trusted Ascended Master El Moyra.  Who was my teacher of this time.  His image was stolen as an non ascended astral being with negative intention began an effort of obscuration of my senses, sensibility and power.  A series of negative events, followed.  Following me, like a disease, a darkness overpowered my nature.  This caused impurity, lack of clarity, and began the end.  I became overtaken, obscured and my lack of clarity as a Seer became clear to those in our Temple.   I was ousted, disowned, and separated from my clan, my brothers, my brotherhood.  I left to the desert, as I had lost my mind, no longer did I have confidence of my trusted friendships.

I left this body after losing consciousness in the heat, the burning rays of the Sun, in the sand drifts of burning white silt.

In this lifetime, my shame and sorrow, never allowed this soul to trust.  To trust the male, the masculine as I turned inward my own self hatred and negativity.  Not trusting the men or the male in the females in my life.  This life orchestrated for my learning, this deeply held “intolerance”.  My mother was overly stern, critical, judging and masculine.

The men in my life, were generally dominating... as I took the victim role, time and time again.  Never understanding the dynamic.  Men, women, friends, partners, I would find myself in a stuck dynamic of blaming others for dominating me, or I would set up a co dependent relationship with my sister, or girl friends to get advise and make decisions, rather than rely and trust my own council.  As a healer, channel, and seer working in the realms of clairvoyance has been a challenge.  At every turn there could be a situation of being discovered as wrong, or my own not trusting my channel.  Who was coming through.  Originally, it was always easier to trust the channels of women.  Quan Yinn or Isis.  And ultimately, my heart teacher Qala.

The Temple of the Masculine at Abu Simbel

The hierogyphs are to be read as light language.  The messages of the images teach in the subconscious.  As I walked slowly, my legs half way into the earth... etherically,  my consciousness began to bring up images and a deeper realization that I had been pushing away the masculine outwards, and inwards.  Afraid of the masculine, and untrusting.  Not able to rely on the masculine and always disappointed.  Doing everything on my own or by myself.  I was different partners where I had not let them in, more intimately,  but blamed them, rather than discussing what I needed, or what we both could negotiate or work together.  Where I had created in my body, an imbalance with the masculine and feminine that created my victim, and was afraid to be wrong, and not make mistakes.  Crying, not knowing why ...

Forgiving, asking forgivenance, to the masculine inside, outside, above and below, through all corridors of my heart.  Especially masculine - right - kryon, and feminine - left- Pleiades , and back of the heart - Sirian Gateway out of the back...  Realizing why I closed off from my Sirian Higher Self.  Not trusting this gateway, because of not trusting my Sirian masculine, and my Sirian connection, as El Moyra came through the Sirian Gateway and entrapped me in Atlantis.  In Lemuria,  my feminine presence was obscurated, dismissed, and obliterated, even isiolated by the superior intellecttual, overly masculine Atlantian.  This is a story of imbalance, coming into balance.

As I sobbed, or tried not to sob, so the guards wouldn’t know I was connecting to the power of the Egyptian wisdom.  I let go all by gones, made amends, called in to balance all my karma.  Beginning to see different archtypal information... golden lotus flowers, of each chakra, breathing into the 6 directions of my heart.  While my pillar anchored in to mother earths body, and into the solar heavens.  Bringing up Mother Earth Coherent Breath of Love of all beings.

Lotus in each chakra, with blue pearl, breathing into all heart gateways to release any old holdings or criticism of the masculines.  Expanding into my brow 

Eye chakra, into my Sage Eye... so it could turn on!  Expand, ignite, grow into a solar flame, an elixir of light.  Flooding out into the world and beyond. As a pyramid with an eye, and a double helix, Merkaba, geometry spins in my brow, my mind and becomes the Sphinx.  My totem for this message, and my Universal Signiture.  Breathing into the pure potential of the Sphinx as a Universal Signiture of world harmony, peace, and communication.  Spreading the Universal Laws of love, respect, harmony, compassion, truth, acceptance.

Day 9 - Nile

Ego Enlightenment

Went unconscious, and came awake and saw a large light ship, huge, vast, open and fine light.  Opening to more light, a dark shadow masculine being shows up,  was so large... I was afraid it might take me over,... I heard from within “that the shadow could not overtake me”, I was too filled with light.  “The dark is not more powerful than the light”

Amaya came into our room, and I mentioned the ship, then the shadow.  She helped me with the dark being, and listening to his feelings.  He wanted attention.  He was my male Egyptian karma.  He felt ashamed.  He lost his way.  He made decisions that were based on ego and ruling as a King who only thought of his glory.  He forgot his position as Pharoah was to watch over the people, the land, and bring all into harmony.  Instead he fell into creating war, war amongst the people, war amongst the tribes, war amongst

Session with Huisann.  Pulled off a lot of dark energies, he said the planters wart is gone.

And dark energies at my neck, are cleared.  In my brain, small little things that played with me, and made me lose focus.  If I was filling with light, it would distract me.  

Ask Jzadia to help me with my Sage Eye with her walk in speciality.  She put her finger to my cosmic point of consciousness... She said there was a bolt of lightening, pulsing energy.  That I needed some energy, and  that I had great power and ability.  I saw the Sphinx in an odd perspective.  Looking at it from the right side, at a distance.  Then it began to swing slowly around to another perspective of the tail end towards me.  Then it came into me... or to my eye (as Qala suggested) Like it loaded into my Sage Eye, and then a flower of life was in the brow of the Sphinx and in my brow... Waiting for the next message from the Sphinx.

Luxor Karnak Temple, and Sekhtmet statue.  

Message from Mother Sekhtmet:

“A delicious reunion with you my beloved. How I cherish to look deeply in your eyes, once more.  It has been quite a long time. There was a time of famine during the building of the Great Pyramid. This put pressure upon the Monarchy to establish itself as prime ruler and co creator with the Gods. Ptah was insistent that all Nubians  are marked as trespassers and sent to prison or as slaves. He ruled with an iron fist and little mercy or compassion. My leadership was fierce and capable of destabilizing his field and organization of his armies. Between us, you and I had the power to undermine his authority. We would work with natural disaster and the elements to enhance and influence the weather. This kept him obligated to us, and to keep us in his favor. He then sent many Nubians to death as a sacrifice of his authority and control over the elements of death.  




Beloved ones, gently now we ask you to breath into your center. Into your crystalline core. The crystalline core cylinder that houses your light body, and bridges from heaven to earth. Here in this cylinder, we bring you to Egypt to stand in front of me. In front of my statue at my Temple in Karnak, Luxor. Stand before me, and look deeply in my eyes.

For as I gaze at you, I see into your eternal soul. Let me look, back into the ages, to seed into your souls,... opening now, a window. To see into your Soul, so you may access your greater awareness. To open a window in the ceiling of your soul that lets the winged bird or creature go... set free. To free your Soul’s repatterning and to consecrate a redefinition of your definition. So you may align to the greater pulsing of your heart flame, of your soul’s true purpose... so you may uncover the deeper desires of your passionate heart. Releasing the control, the inhibitions, the self restrictions. Take a deep breath, now. As I gaze into your eyes and began a pulsing at your point of cosmic consciousness between the eyebrows. You may want to rub this area with your fore finger in a counter clockwise circle 12 x and then clockwise 12x’s.  As things begin to swirl, how you align to what, when and where, begins to take a turn. To take a new route... a more centered and balanced, open minded and more fulfilling route. Take a deep breath. As you enter a CHAMBER OF ALIGNMENT for 12 days, you may experience a subtle or dramatic shift in your sense of self. As your recalibration shifts, so shifts your self esteem and your ability to float, and move forward in a surprisingly cheerful manner. Alignment to your “conscious core.” This is this new alignment, aligning to you the New Earth.

Blessed be.  

Mother Sehktmet


AUDIO #1- "SOUND CODE FOR LIGHTENING your Heart and Field", with Mother Sekthmet and the Hathors. audio#1 channeled transmission:




​AUDIO #5-​"SHIPS OF LIGHT; ASSIST MOTHER NILE" A group journey for planetary assist to Mother NIle and the purification of the water.


​AUDIO #7 "3 FOLD FLAME w Diamond Flame of Harmony MEDITATION" 

With cosmic love, and gratefullness for your support along my journey to Egypt and your personal evolution and karmic clearing!

namaste Anjahlia!!! xoxo​

7 Audio Package "UNICORN MIRACLES for your everyday life" with Ama'Ya & Anjahlia