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Soul Reading


Multidimensional alignment to who you came here to be!

Your Experience...

being understood and witnessed, by Anjahlia's Seership to find your brightest gifts, your truest self!

 ...a frequency transmission of your Soul & Higher Self answering the questions of your heart.

Hear guidance from your Christed Council: including guardian angels, ancestors, magical parts, animal totems, ascended teachers, and your star family.

Receive chakra upgrades and purification of blocking energies in a Gateway Clearing.

Getting clarity to move along new pathways in your life.

Navigate your current soul initiations with a Soul Journey with your own Akashic Records, Earth Portal or Star Portal.

Download new belief systems directly from the Source to reprogram underlying present & parallel life issues.

Receive a SOUL SONG in the language of Light to align your IAM Flame and your soul’s awakening.

Be blessed by divine healing transmissions of light and love blessings from your Ascended Master mentors.

Being deeply seen, heard, known, accepted, loved and honored by an Enlightened Council unique to you!

The multidimensional integrated New Earth YOU!

Pricing: 60 minutes $175.00 & 90 minutes $225.  

(sliding scale available upon request)

*recommended 90 minutes for first session. 
You must email or text me to set up an appointment in addition to paying.
Thank you!

More session options and prices click "more info"


"You are a true seer, and a true healer...

My “Next Octave” Soul Listening sessions with Anjahlia Kate have been life-changing. I was at a ready point in my evolution but Anjahlia Kate lit the flame with her gifts. After years of feeling stuck my career took off, and I have a love relationship for the first time in ten years. Anjahlia Kate is a true seer and channel. You will meet few like her in your life. She’s also really fun! So the sessions are very enjoyable as well as allowing you to know yourself and your mission, at a whole new level".  

~ Ruth Ben-Ghiat, author, professor and writer, NYC

“I personally worked regularly with Kate for 1.5 years when I was going through the WORST of the Joan of Arc lifetime clearing/ clearing for the collective. I was a train wreck at that time. Her guides had told her to expect me, and told her that her skills had been honed in preparation for our work together because I needed a "specialty mechanic". Like the way a Lamborghini needs to be taken to a Lamborghini mechanic because a regular mechanic won't know how to optimize it, I have an energetic system with certain unique features that are far removed from normal and cannot be treated by any standardized approach... because I have a unique job with very extensive, layered, multi-dimensional circuitry. Kate was shown what to do with ME specifically. This is why I recommend her!

One time she said -" Oh! It's like your'e a SHIP!" Which is true. I am. But I was SO GLAD she saw it too. LOL!

If you are one of the people who follows me, and you feel you would benefit from optimization and VERY HIGH-DIMENSIONAL energy tweaking - Kate is one of two people I recommend.  Kate Anjahlia Loye works with interdimensional helpers from ALL KINGDOMS and ALL REALMS -Unicorns, Fairies, Elementals, All Highest Level Guides and Ascended Masters... And during a session with her whoever YOU NEED specifically will come to help you. She really is a worthy investment in self-care.”

~ Stephanie Ark Hogarth

Anjahlia, Cosmic Shaman, seer, channel, intuitive, master healer, sound healer and song weaver. Shares a little about a Sonic Light Language song for your Soul! Using her alchemy crystal bowl, energy, sound, light, and love.

Karma is returning love, where love is lost!
— Anjahlia