CD "A New Day is Dawning; Bridge to Gaia by Anjahlia Kate Loye
Gong Songs A Sacred Sonic Journey
Gong Songs A Sacred Sonic Journey
Gong Songs A Sacred Sonic Journey
“A Sacred Sonic Journey to New Earth.
Listen to the New Earth, this New Earth Welcomes You!”
-Channeled by Anjahlia (Kate Loye)
50 min LIVE recording in my studio “heaven”, New Paltz, NY.
“What a powerful, beautiful and touching journey of creation, through the womb of Mother Earth, blessed by the Ancient Mothers in remembrance of who we are. Sacred Sound vibrations ignite the soul, body and mind to awaken to our purpose, our love, our union with one another and with all of creation in this Sacred Journey on Earth.
A call to unite within and without in Presence of the Divine in all of life”.
- Lelama Jyumaali Sjamar, teacher and Divine Voice, from The Divine University, Australia.
This unique highly transformational CD takes you on a trance journey of healing vibrations where Anjahlia (Kate Loye) is intuitively listening to multi-dimensional wisdoms (Ascended Masters, Arch Angels, and Loving Mothers).
Unlike others, Anjahlia utilizes a multilingual sound bed that includes channeling, chanting, gongs, bowls and other sacred instruments that connects the dots of our “wisdom path”. She assists to light our way as we embark on this new paradigm as our “True Self”.
This healing heart journey takes you on an inviting, awakening, surrendering, forgiving, accepting excursion.
“Gaia and Yamala, the Earth Mother and Voidal Mothers sing to our Souls. They show us multidimensionality our way on a cellular, DNA, and genetic transcendence to a way to live in our Heart Realm, reclaiming our Christed Garment, our Christed/Buddhic I AM signature.
“Yes, it is true… A New Day is Dawning and it is my intention that this CD will assist you in finding your way to the 5th Dimension and the NEW EARTH.“
- Anjahlia (Kate Loye)