taken from SEERship#5 Channel 1-


 With Anjahlia, your favorite Cosmic Shaman Seer Unicorn Faery

Oversouled by Collective Council of 22 Ascended Masters, Ships of Light, Rainbow Unicorn Mother Team,

Babaji, Maitreya, Sananda, Nada, Mahatma, Metarone, Melchezedek, Quan Yinn,Serapis Bey, Kuthumi, Lord Ashtar, Blue Universal Mother, Galactic Council of Peace, Pegasus, Faery’s, magical beings , and my divine presence and more.


Alpha Centauri is a nearby multiple star in the constellation Centaurs.  It is the name of a binary star system.  Extraterrestrials from the Alpha centaur system are particularly scientifically and technically advanced, possessing great theoretical knowledge that they endeavor to instill by inspiration into Earth scientists.  In fact, according to the Explorer volumes this star system is directly involved as a portal from the Creator - life in effect comes forth from Alpha Centuari.” by Noel Huntley

Who comes to speak?

Babaji, Mahatma, Quan Yinn and Maitreya are building a merkaba of transparent, gossimer tranquility.  Together they build something unique for  each of you that you have not previously accepted.  

“Together as a team, we are merging to form a new creation. It is this doorway that we will address and open over our time in this transmission.

It will take several steps to bring into your awareness and consciousness the letting go process of what it is that you harbor, resent, or haven’t fully forgiven.

Then we can move forward with flow.  It is the goal of DIVINE FLOW that we are going for this offering.

Dispensation:  Emerald Blue Star Tetrahedron - Opens the Stargate of Alpha Centaury.  

Journey to Alpha Centuary to discover a lost longing for the creative source connection within ourselves, and all things. 

Core Teaching

Babaji speaks on the fragments of love.  Finding the elements of this important factor create an internal development that is the star awaiting awakening.  It is the star tetrahedron that we embrace in our exercise.  The AWAKENING STAR builds and brings you to a centering of HOME.  Like you have never experienced it before.  Inside the walls of creation are doorways that merge and become one, so all flow forth.  It is the unraveling of distant discord that we come to administer to and embrace.  We are calculating that there is a small reservoir of unattainable matter.  Like the distant stardust that is circulating around you, orbiting around your head.  It is the inner cosmos .  How you are wired is how you will travel.  Your destiny is to unravel, you see.  It is not the failing of a program.  It is the success of the unwinding process.  For how can an exchange be made between all things if there is no new beginning and the ever flowing of the overflow.  It is the creative process we speak of.  The unfettered awareness of the fact that we are a speck upon the Universe.  A very unique and important speck.  And it is the infiniteness of this speck that is the spark of creation within all things.  The FORCE OF CREATION.  It is the force of creation that can not be controlled.  It is an ever flowing abundance of the source creators light.  That marries and ignites with the love, and source flame igniting a creation code.  A MATRIX CREATION CODE

In the Alpha Centenarian code there is a genome that hibernates.  It expels that which is not made material.  As it modifies the ever accessibility of the scope of possibilities and potential in any one moment.  It’s a hidden gene that replicates itself.  Journeys into unknown realms and acquires new information, data, and informs the creator impulse.  It is a merging, marrying, embodying and an accumulating process.  This is the higher genetic coding that the Arcturians and Alpha Centurions have well established themselves in their co ordination process.  


w Babaji, Mahatma, Quan Yinn and Maitreya.

*Letting Go- Quan Yinn

SONIC TONING-“Rivers of Light” from the Alpha Centurians to prepare us for our journey.  Feeling DIVINE FLOW- administered by Melchezedek

MOTHER MARY - carry’s us with her in a process of surrender and self acknowledgement.  As our Merkaba begins to anchor grounding the  pointed upwards Triangle, with the anchoring base, the stabilizing geometry in your light body.  Making manifest our truth, our eternal, ever creating selves.

Round Cylinder horizontal, with black and white.  Then it begins to merge, and becomes a yin/yang… ever merging and transforming.  In creation.

JOURNEY -With our Unicorn Team, our Unicorns, the Masters  to Alpha Centurie to source creation and the womb of creation with Alpha Centurions, arcturians, and pleidennes. We gather in our Merkaba, with Babaji in the front, and the Unicorn Mothers in a triangle, and the Masters  behind us.  Then we become a huge ship makable like a geometric Whale Mother Ship. That opens its great mouth and we step in.  Flying in a nano second to Alpha Centurie.  Here we stand on a great selenite disc that gently drops us deep inside the lovely star.  Once down, we allow our eyes to acclimate and begin to see great sacks of large embryonic sacs, but with geometries, glyphs, formulae, and calculations floating around.  The golden mean.  All creation is here.  A great many elegant creation sprite like Extraterrestrial Beings,… Sylphs float down toward us.  One on the right, one on the left, and take us gently to the Great Volcano.  We begin to find ourselves at the orifice of a volcano.  With alpha centurions, Pleidienne surgeons, Arcturian doctors administering to us.  As a voidal veil wraps us in cocoons of black matter.  Many sensations are felt, leaving behind an emptiness, as now we are fed and nurtured with elixirs and Hybrid Technologies.  Our DNA strands are magnified, our life expectancy lengthened.  We feel a great heat, that alchemically stimulates this Hybrid nature.  Being administered  by the Sylphs, a honey elixir that protects the cocoon, and nourishes it.  Many changes we go through in the cocoon.  We are called to scry with our horns as Unicorns of creation.  And scry in a figure eight, then circles that opens a hole, a doorway of creation.  We free ourselves from the alchemical cocoon.  The womb of the Mother and the Eye of God. A new being, of the new hueman of the New Earth.

To return HOME with a new “knowing” that we had forgotten.  Scrying in a perfect circle to come home.  A NEW DOORWAY TO CREATION.   Working for planetary service to merge our thought forms into the creation matrix of  HARMONY,  GRACE  AND  TRUTH.

Namaste beloved ones, ANJAHLIA



Oversouled by Collective Council of 22 Ascended Masters, Ships of Light, Rainbow Unicorn Mother Team,

Babaji, Maitreya, Sananda, Nada, Mahatma, Metarone, Melchezedek, Quan Yinn,Serapis Bey, Kuthumi, Lord Ashtar, Blue Universal Mother, Galactic Council of Peace, Pegasus, Faery’s, magical beings , and my divine presence and more.


“Alpha Centauri 

Alpha Centauri is a nearby multiple star in the constellation Centaurs.  It is the name of a binary star system.  Extraterrestrials from the Alpha centaur system are particularly scientifically and technically advanced, possessing great theoretical knowledge that they endeavor to instill by inspiration into Earth scientists.  In fact, according to the Explorer volumes this star system is directly involved as a portal from the Creator - life in effect comes forth from Alpha Centuari.” by Noel Huntley

Who comes to speak?

Babaji, Mahatma, Quan Yinn and Maitreya are building a merkaba of transparent, gossimer tranquility.  Together they build something unique for  each of you that you have not previously accepted.  

“Together as a team, we are merging to form a new creation. It is this doorway that we will address and open over our time in this transmission.

It will take several steps to bring into your awareness and consciousness the letting go process of what it is that you harbor, resent, or haven’t fully forgiven.

Then we can move forward with flow.  It is the goal of DIVINE FLOW that we are going for this offering.

Dispensation:  Emerald Blue Star Tetrahedron - Opens the Stargate of Alpha Centaury.  

Journey to Alpha Centaury to discover a lost longing for the creative source connection within ourselves, and all things. 

Core Teaching

Babaji speaks on the fragments of love.  Finding the elements of this important factor create an internal development that is the star awaiting awakening.  It is the star tetrahedron that we embrace in our exercise.  The AWAKENING STAR builds and brings you to a centering of HOME.  Like you have never experienced it before.  Inside the walls of creation are doorways that merge and become one, so all flow forth.  It is the unraveling of distant discord that we come to administer to and embrace.  We are calculating that there is a small reservoir of unattainable matter.  Like the distant stardust that is circulating around you, orbiting around your head.  It is the inner cosmos .  How you are wired is how you will travel.  Your destiny is to unravel, you see.  It is not the failing of a program.  It is the success of the unwinding process.  For how can an exchange be made between all things if there is no new beginning and the ever flowing of the overflow.  It is the creative process we speak of.  The unfettered awareness of the fact that we are a speck upon the Universe.  A very unique and important speck.  And it is the infiniteness of this speck that is the spark of creation within all things.  The FORCE OF CREATION.  It is the force of creation that can not be controlled.  It is an ever flowing abundance of the source creators light.  That marries and ignites with the love, and source flame igniting a creation code.  A MATRIX CREATION CODE

In the Alpha Centenarian code there is a genome that hibernates.  It expels that which is not made material.  As it modifies the ever accessibility of the scope of possibilities and potential in any one moment.  It’s a hidden gene that replicates itself.  Journeys into unknown realms and acquires new information, data, and informs the creator impulse.  It is a merging, marrying, embodying and an accumulating process.  This is the higher genetic coding that the Arcturians and Alpha Centurions have well established themselves in their co ordination process.  


w Babaji, Mahatma, Quan Yinn and Maitreya.

*Letting Go- Quan Yinn

SONIC TONING-“Rivers of Light” from the Alpha Centurians to prepare us for our journey.  Feeling DIVINE FLOW- administered by Melchezedek

MOTHER MARY - carry’s us with her in a process of surrender and self acknowledgement.  As our Merkaba begins to anchor grounding the  pointed upwards Triangle, with the anchoring base, the stabilizing geometry in your light body.  Making manifest our truth, our eternal, ever creating selves.

Round Cylinder horizontal, with black and white.  Then it begins to merge, and becomes a yin/yang… ever merging and transforming.  In creation.


With our Unicorn Team, our Unicorns, the Masters  to Alpha Centurie to source creation and the womb of creation with Alpha Centurions, arcturians, and pleidennes. We gather in our Merkaba, with Babaji in the front, and the Unicorn Mothers in a triangle, and the Masters  behind us.  Then we become a huge ship makable like a geometric Whale Mother Ship. That opens its great mouth and we step in.  Flying in a nano second to Alpha Centurie.  Here we stand on a great selenite disc that gently drops us deep inside the lovely star.  Once down, we allow our eyes to acclimate and begin to see great sacks of large embryonic sacs, but with geometries, glyphs, formulae, and calculations floating around.  The golden mean.  All creation is here.  A great many elegant creation sprite like Extraterrestrial Beings,… Sylphs float down toward us.  One on the right, one on the left, and take us gently to the Great Volcano.  We begin to find ourselves at the orifice of a volcano.  With alpha centurions, Pleidienne surgeons, Arcturian doctors administering to us.  As a voidal veil wraps us in cocoons of black matter.  Many sensations are felt, leaving behind an emptiness, as now we are fed and nurtured with elixirs and Hybrid Technologies.  Our DNA strands are magnified, our life expectancy lengthened.  We feel a great heat, that alchemically stimulates this Hybrid nature.  Being administered  by the Sylphs, a honey elixir that protects the cocoon, and nourishes it.  Many changes we go through in the cocoon.  We are called to scry with our horns as Unicorns of creation.  And scry in a figure eight, then circles that opens a hole, a doorway of creation.  We free ourselves from the alchemical cocoon.  The womb of the Mother and the Eye of God. A new being, of the new hueman of the New Earth.

To return HOME with a new “knowing” that we had forgotten.  Scrying in a perfect circle to come home.  A NEW DOORWAY TO CREATION.   Working for planetary service to merge our thought forms into the creation matrix of  HARMONY,  GRACE  AND  TRUTH.

Namaste beloved ones






2 channeled AUDIOS: Frequency Wisdom Meditations : Maitreya "FLAME OF UNCONDITIONAL REFLECTION" and Blue Mother Mary "A MATRIX OF REHARMONIZING"