WESAK FULLMOON VIDEO Lord Buddha and Quan Yinn with Pegasus and Fae Brigade
testimonials from the WESAK FULLMOON
Here is my experience from full moon;)
What a beautiful experience. I felt a clearing of suffering on many levels and a feeling of "closing out and lessons extracted".. I felt energy being cleared from my stomach, throat and ears. Rainbow water was coming in through the top of my crown chakra, and also felt heart opening more.
I saw in my third eye a praying mantis emerging from my heart center and heard a "moving out of the way"....I experienced deep peace and felt a divine presence enter. I heard, "Weave your own tapestry of experiences so you can lead and teach from the wisdom of your experiences".
Truly an amazing experience with Kate! I would highly recommend you joining her on any level- she is a gift of wisdom, a channel of source and an amazing healer on so many levels. Best...Joann
Enlightened Journey
We will be lovingly guided through a release of the old, unfinished, tarnished or unaligned.
-Letting go of old contracts that are complete.
-Receiving, surrendering to new patterns downloaded by the Buddhis Realms, Christ Realms and Angelic Realms.
-We journey to the Wesak Valley
-Activations and gifts given to us from different Masters and the Buddha.
-Pegasus comes and takes us to Shambhala
-We are showered with Cosmic Rays of Ascended Matter
-Transparent light Fay Light Brigade beings bring us elixers of revitalization.
-Lord Buddha opens a doorway of heavenly ascent…
-Quan Yin gives us medicine from her gourd that marries and merges our hearts and minds
-Pegasus gives us a ride to another dimension in our future to foretell the next step
-Opening your own doorway of the HeartMind and counterpart of your divine pathway.
-Sharing all we have received with our loved ones, our ancestors, the ones who need help and our Mother Earth in planetary service. Working as bridges, surrogates, lightworkers, wayshowers, starseeds as New Earth Shaman and the New Earth Star ship!