Kate Anjahlia Loye
COSMIC REBIRTH (SERPENT) We are all going through a cosmic rebirth, as this Cosmic Serpent is showing us. The Spring Equinox is the astrology of the incubation as well as the "Goddess Iannana Journey" Which is the going inward over the winter, hibernating. Then after the imbolid and Spring Equinox we begin to come to life. It is the process of reviewing the shadows in our field and life that is called for at this time. The lower ego and sticky places of fear, isolation, alienation and separation. At this time we must face these fearful pockets, expand and go through the barriers. We need the stillness, the peace, the dark womb to surround us. You may feel tired and overwhelmed easily. But, see this as "gestation". Consider how much energy is taken in the gestation time period.
The SPIRIT CANOE Next stage two is the challenge of the birthing. The physical push into reality. Then the choices come into play. Your choices. As you recieve your inner guidance by stepping into your Spirit Canoe. Then from within, you carry the codes to lead you forward. Into the glowing, glistening, gold and voidal merging waters... the pure potential. The creation waters! Then you really start the alchemy to kick in! To alchemicalize your life! Going into the mystery, the unknown, the pure creation ahead. You merge and marry now. Cocreating something new that is aligned with your mission, your purpose, your path ahead.
Take time to allow the new uploads from creation. Write them down, journal them, stream them through your heart chakra! So be it. Let it be. Let it be so!