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THE JOURNEY: We will join Master Lord Metatron as he assists us to ground and build our personal light ship Merkaba, as well as our multidimensional group Merkaba light ship.

***December 21 - Winter Solstice Gateway The Great Conjunction

Total Solar Eclipse at the New Moon and Jupiter Saturn Aquarian alignment

The two largest planetary bodies, Saturn conjunct with Jupiter at 0 degrees.  Signifying our planetary move into Aquarius, and opening the Aquarian Era of Light.  The last time this took place was 400 years ago.  We are doing it, moving into the Golden Age of Aquarius!! YES!


The Australian indigenous peoples will celebrate an important ceremony at Uluru.  Which initiates a new relationship between the Sun and the Earth.  Calling for a New “DREAM” for the New Earth.  This powerful ceremony is to realign the “Rainbow Serpent” of the Earth with the Sun.  Dreaming in new creations for all beings.


And Mars conjunct Pluto transit on December 23.  Power and war energies confronting one and another.    Unrest is building with covid inforcement and political division. 


We are entering into a new creation cycle this Solstice of the New Golden Aquarian Age!!!  DaDa!

DRUM ROLLS are sounding!  Can you feel the expectant pulsation?  That within this quiet, there is something brewing?  Something about to happen?  Possibly a surprise, or a miracle,… even?  Possibly?

The adage PREGNANT PAUSE,… comes to mind.  Yes, pregnant.

What happens in the 9 months of pregnancy?  Something is being cooked in that cosmic oven womb!  Hmmm… what are you cooking in your cosmic soup pot?

Segway to the birthing of a BUTTERFLY.  Inside the womb/cocoon the caterpillar totally emulsifies!  And from within the DNA Codes rebuilds it’s architecture.  What kind of creation miracle is this?  


Do we not have the genome of the miracle within our DNA?


Well, we have been gestating within ourselves, and as a  collective.  INSIDE/OUTSIDE.

REBIRTH is in the air!

This is the time to BE and become that which you have been dreaming of.

As the HOPI PROHESY PRAYER shares “ We are the ones we have been waiting for”.  You are the christed flame, awakening.


This new age is creating something new, unexpected, unique to the planet, and to you.  It is equanimous, egalitarian, collaborative, and openly, compassionately, accepting and HONORING.  Honoring of yourselves, ourselves, the planet and all beings. UNITY!

UNITY, HONORING, PEACE and compassionate witness is the name of the game here.

Anything that is not in resonate will become visible.  Notice all the polarization in politics, society,  movies.  All that is in the shadow is rising to be seen for what it is.  A shamanic cleaning and purifying, a PURGE.  And an alchemical healing transformation. BUTTERFLY dance of awakening!


You may be noticing physical “ascension pains”.  Cleansing the Body Temple is essential as we raise our vibration.  And as we bring into harmony all shadow ignorance, fear, separation and dissidence.


This New Year  will prove to be full of the creation cycles of destruction and creation.  Things falling apart, as new things are being built.  Old cycles giving way to new ideas, and grass roots solutions.  As the leash and confining bars of the past imprisonment of humanity releases … new decisions must be made.  Decisions that are inclusive, heart centered, telepathically communicated, and engineered so that the New Humanity and the New Earth are supported.


Keep the faith!  Believe in your Butterfly ability.  Vision it, describe it, empower your concepts.  All is working on our behalf.  The Enlightened Counsels, Universal, Celestial, Galactic Counsels, the Arch Angels, Angels, Ships of Light, Magical Beings and many more are aligned with us.  As we turn the tide to this promised land of Heaven on Earth … the Age of Aquarius in the evolution of humanity upon this earth plane.



I am honored to be here to offer my gifts and Codes of Ascension for personal and collective group offerings.  I am here to help you manifest your light work!

Blessed be all Light Workers, Seers, Seekers, Star Seeds, and Way Showers! 

THE JOURNEY: We will join Master Lord Metatron as he assists us to ground and build our personal light ship Merkaba, as well as our multidimensional group Merkaba light ship.

Our Trinity is Maitreya, Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary.  With Yeshua and Mother Gaia, the Ancient Elders and Guardians of Uluru.

  All the while you are being ignited and activated into the pulsation of  your christed IAM flame.  Your signature and multidimensional identity.  The first half of each journey, we must purify.  Cleanse the old broken down pathways, so we have room to move and grow.  New dreams to dream, new creations to muse, new designs of our world ahead in this new Age of Aquarius.  The masters bring Divine Tools and Dispensations.  Perfect Gifts to empower you.  To set yourself FREE! We build and grow our personal and group Merkaba, our personal and group life and consciousness!

*You will feel the frequency raise, the release of burdens, dimensions shapeshift, and brilliant levels of higher light enter your light body and auric egg.  Your field upgrading in all arenas of your life and heart.

Your field will be uplifted, synchronized with this Golden Aquarian Age  NEW GATEWAY at hand, and ACTIVATED in new 12/21 DNA and Divine Mother and Mother Earth UPLOADS.  The promise land of milk and honey.  Sending encoded blessings of Mother Love to all sentient beings.

Channeled:  Maitreya, Magdalene, and Mother Mary


This is an age, beloved ones, ripe for change.  Isn’t this so?  Well, what part will you do in the change most needed?  Listen well to your hearts.  Grow together as a group.  Our Merkaba matrix will begin to guide you in a deepening of your Soul’s journey.  Is this not what the well spring within you has called for? Focus your energies, be the butterfly building its inner architecture and grow into a new form.

We as your trinity are bringing you several calibrations:

Maitreya steps forward and brings you an anvil.  “It is here upon this metal that you may shape, hammer and forge.  Use this Divine Anvil at your will center, your Hara Chakra.  Breathing into this force of the Divine.  Bringing forth a deeper commitment and focused energy to deliver your messages and gifts”.

MARY THE MAGDALENE:  Mary the Magdalene enters our circle.  “Gather round” she shares.  Come closer my beloved ones.  Step in. Closer.  Now, receive.  It is the act of receptivity that I invite you to imbibe, drink, and to fill.  I bring you a chalice, a Golden Chalice.  This chalice is always in the process of filling up, to full.  It is never drained to the empty bottom.  Drink from this resource that recalibrates the Divine feminine within you.  Drink until you are fully full.  Receiving this Spirit and Soul sustenance.  I gently tap you on your forehead, as a new thought form takes hold.  A new and more gentle, loving spaceousness held for yourself.  This open loving place is expanding your heart matrix.  To receive encoded Divine Feminine Glyphs, sacred geometries, and dispensations!  A GOLDEN ORB, or a GOLDEN TEMPLATE, or a GOLDEN ANK comes to you now.  Drink in this Symbol through your mouth, as it establishes a new Encodement of your pathway ahead.  Allowing for a more generous and delicious embodiment of your Christed IAM.

YESHUA: Yeshua the Christ embodies you now.  Clearing the way ahead as the Divine Masculine comes forward.  Standing tall.  In silhouette.  A new tenor, a new cadence is being reviewed.  Examined, and purified.  Take a deep breath in, and believe.  Breath in and believe in who you came here to be.  Who you want to become.  The best, most willing, most ernest and genuine you.  Believe like you know it, you mean it, you are it.  A most willing and confident being.  Standing tall in love, light, and power with your three fold flame blazing!  A Giant Divine Fire joins with you and emblazens and engulfs you in its Holy Transmuting Blaze.  Enjoying this release of the old tired and worn out masculine.  So the new empowered Masculine may rise in it’s glorious ashes.  Stand in your glory, the new IAM is here.

HOLY MOTHER MARY:  Holy Mother Mary enfolds us in her great arms.  A cloak of golden, blue, starry realms wraps around us.  We are her children, her wards.  She adores us and shows us a great star in the sky, that is kissing another (Saturn and Jupiter).  Becoming emblazoned in the sky.  A stellar message of compliance, relation, and compatibility. Bringing forth a new constellation of unity and peace.  An era of what is to become!  Mother Mary says “ you are ready, you came here to do this.  You will have what is needed.  Fear not.  It is the impetus from within to count on.  Your INNER STAR LIGHT is being forged, focused upon, and encouraged.  Breath deeply and receive this INNER STAR LIGHT ENCODEMENT.   A starry nite, swirls in creation.  Swirling all around our group merkaba.  Taking us on a journey to the Sacred Portal Uluru in Australia.

METATRON WITH OUR SHIP OF LIGHT TO ULURU:  Our group MERKABA lifts off into the starry nite, our hearts as one, in the golden crystal in the center of our Light Ship.  We are connected and communing with the crystal, with each other, and with Metatron and the ship of light itself.  Sending your heart beams into this crystal now.  So you each may be known, registered, and assimilated.  We are the crystal now.  We have merged and are one mind, one heart.  A centered, conscious and deliberate activator and actualizer of the Divine Alignment.

We anchor near the Sacred Red Rock Uluru.  As we land, our ship dissolves into the earth.  We are taken inside the earth.  As we step out of the step, we must wait to acclimate to the frequency and release any density.  Breath.

Many beings have noticed us, there is an excitement in the air.  It is like we are coming to a party!  Two Great Red Rock Being Guardians step out of the red rock Temple before us.  Each open half of the layer of the doorway into the Uluru Temple.  Let us honor and bow to these great guardians.  Stand before them with our open hearts.  Let them see you and your truth.  They accept us, as ready.  And we may enter the Temple.  2 inner doorways clear and open, and we are brought by many small ancient beings holding our arms as we are escorted into the red rock Temple.  This is an ancient ancient temple.  Of the earth.  Many small fires burn in basins with ancient text and glyphs written on each one.  In the center is a giant molten FIRE.  More like Lava.  It creates and dissolves itself.  In creation, it destroys, and in destruction, it creates.  We stand and watch and receive this ALCHEMICAL TEACHING.  Allowing the meaning and messages to go into the cell walls, the DNA structure.  As this primordial contemplation shapeshifts our mind/body/spirit/soul.  We dissolve.  We are dissolving as the Butterfly.  And EVOLVING.  We are being held in the evolutionary process of creation.  We are held in DIVINE ALCHEMY.  Contemplating this very process is our work here.  Becoming an Alchemist we are.  Divining from our heart flame, into molden creation lava.  Standing still in this moment of  REVELATION.  ACTIVATION.  TRANSFORMATION!

Transform.  Allow. BE. Know.   Breath now into your flame, your christed IAM. 

Know yourself from within your flame.  Receive this CODE OF ONENESS.

You are a blessing who carries this encodement.  Be the one, you have been waiting for.  Know yourself as One with all things, and reflection of the Greater Good of all beings.  The reflection of the primordial reflection of all that there is.  Anchoring yourself now.

The Ancient Indigenous watch with excitement as this has been a long anticipated occasion.  A ceremony of the Soul.  A long awaited merging.  A ceremonial leader steps forward.  Bringing a garland of brush roses in rainbow colors.  They present these garlands to you, around your heads, and around your necks.

This Elder brings forward a pipe with sacred plant medicine.  The smoke is blown around you, and opens your sight and dreaming body.   This enters deeply.  Breath deep and allow this shapeshifting to occur.  For many of you are dreamers.  And use your dreaming bodies.  Some of you are asleep and are looking to dream again.  The plant medicine brings you into the heart of our Earth Mother, Gaia.  .  The RAINBOW SERPENT CREATION MOTHERS join with us, helping to work the magic, mold the clay.  Awaken a sleeping remembrance of the Earth, Sun, Moon and Stars and our family, our parents our brothers our sisters.   The Rainbow Serpent Mother begins to grow up through your pillar like a tree.  Your tree.   Your tree of life.  Breath deeply to receive this empowerment, this gift from this Mother.  This connection to your earthly nature, your earthly connection, the mud that makes you.  For some you may feel the Sacred Primoridal Mud, for some you may feel the roots of your tree, for some, you may open your tree branches and reach to the moon and stars!  Opening now to your dreaming body.  That it may grow and take you into the timeless creation time lines with the Elders and Ancient ones.  Dancing a great dance of creation together.  In the firelight, moon light, star nite.  Begin now, and see.  See what the future may bring.  This is the time of the Great Conjunction Solstice Gateway Doorway to open.  Cross over this gateway… to a new beginning, a more unified you, more empowered, more knowing, from the core of your being.  From your heart matrix and your christed IAM>

We give thank to the Elders, the Ancient Ones, the party!  We give thanks to Maitreya, Yeshua, Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary and Mother Gaia.  We give thanks to you and your butterfly of empowerment! 

We give thanks.  Bowing to all who joined us on this journey….

 xoxo anjahlia


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