A little promo blurb for the Lion’sGate Activation with light language by Mother Gaia Ma.
Each year we welcome the deep heart, support, and destiny of the astrology of the LION’S GATE!
We will be activating and opening your Universal Heart with the infinity universal energy of love, flow, receptivity and giving.
On July 28th the intense New Moon at 5° Leo, initiating new life experiences and expressions. New Moons are a time for new beginnings, or rebirths. The Leo New Moon and 8-8 LionsGate provide an opportunity to embrace with courage, and enthusiasm new projects, leadership, creativity, and new employment.
Activating lost aspects of your courage.
Reclaiming your birth right.
And living in a bold and adventuresome New Earth Life. Choosing the life wish to live. Stepping out of the Matrix, embolden to start fresh, to ignite a fire in your Lionine Heart of Gold.
On August 1st a powerful conjunction forms between Mars, North Node of fate and Uranus, in Taurus square Leo.
Your destiny awaits you, bridge the gap with our powerful group consciousness, and lead yourself and others forward into the New Earth!
Who is overlighting our journey?
Mother Sekhtmet, Annubis, Serapis bey
What is our theme?
We will visit a parallel Universe to open our heart doorways to a place of no control systems! Entering into this time lie allows for a miraculous new interpretation of the advancement of your personal and collective consciousness. We are reorganizing into a new form. Journey’s of this level and frequency assist your DNA to recalibrate. We are cosmic astronauts orbiting a brave new world. Let us make it together from the finest threads of the creator.
Universal View, Pranic Frequency, and channeled wisdom from the Creation Mothers, Ascended Ones, Mother Gaia.
FREE EVENT! - donations happily accepted in the MARKET! XOXO
ZOOM LINK FOR OUR LIVE SESSION - the video will be on my website and youtube channel.
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